
Cassidy Putnam

Designer | Szostak Design

Cassidy holds a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology from NC State University. Since the built environment and the people who occupy it are intrinsically linked, she uses ethnographic research methods to study these relationships and inform her designs.

Cassidy has four years of experience in residential design at Grant Bizios Architecture, as well as two internships at BSA LifeStructures and HH Architecture. Cassidy loves to design elegant details, especially between contrasting materials that expand and contract at different rates. She appreciates the distilling of an idea down to its essential function and core beauty.

Cassidy spent her youth outdoors; birdwatching, climbing trees and falling out of them. As a native of North Carolina, she appreciates the study of architecture in this region due to the variety of unique temperature, soil, and weather conditions present.

In her future, Cassidy will establish a nonprofit with the intention to increase autonomy for people with physical or intellectual disabilities by improving the design of their home and work environments. As an artist at heart, Cassidy also creates beautiful custom stained-glass windows and freelances as a digital illustrator.